Fairtrade Fortnight and Disability

At the Green Party of England and Wales conference last weekend I was pleased to meet up with Ellie Chowns, Green Party MP for North Herefordshire.


I sold fairtrade snacks to sell, on behalf of SUSSED, our Porthcawl ethical goods shop. It is important to highlight Fairtrade Fortnight, which this year is now, in September 2024.

Disability News

As the convener of the Disability Policy Working Group, I introduced and spoke on the new Disability Policy on the main stage at Conference. I am delighted to say that the new policy was overwhelming approved of by a conference vote.

I am a member of the Disability Committee, and as such I am keen to promote our policies and recruit disabled members from our local communities.

Please do email me at debra.cooper@bridgend.greenparty.wales if you wish to read a copy of the Disability Policy, or wish to help to recruit and support disabled Green Party members.

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