Your local Green Party for everybody in Bridgend.
The Green Party is the only major political party in the UK that is committed fully to a life based on democracy and justice within the planet’s limits.
The Green Party has always dared to be different – and we’ve always known the power of good ideas.
Unlike others, we know that our planet has environmental limits, we understand that not everyone wants to live to work, that inequality is not just unfair, but damaging to everyone in society. And we have the bold solutions which allow us to offer inspiration in this age of uncertainty.
We are the only party dedicated to fighting for our environment and ensuring we live in a fair and just society
Please donate to the Bridgend Green Party Real Hope for Real Change Crowdfunder to help us to fight for more representation on councils and in the Senedd.
Click here to donate…
Latest News
- March Update – Downloadable PDF
- Media coverage of the proposed Llynfi Valley nuclear power plant grows
- Nation Cymru article on the planned Llynfi Valley nuclear plant
- Press Release regarding the proposed Nuclear Energy plant in the Llynfi Valley
Upcoming Events
- No upcoming events